How do I review individual candidate results?

Navigate to the Assessments hub and select ‘Participants’ to view all results for an assessment.

Select the name of the candidate whose results you would like to view. From here you can see an overview of their test results as well as anti-cheating indicators (see ‘How do I interpret anti-cheating indicators?’ for more information on these). 

You can also download the results in a PDF file containing all test scores for that individual. 

An overall score is provided for each candidate that is a simple average of all multiple-choice test scores. This is meant to serve as an estimate of their standing in the results. Personality tests are not included in this overall score. 

From this page, you can see the candidate’s score on each test, our global average from all candidates who have taken that test, the number of questions they answered, and the total time they spent on the test. 

‘Yes’ under Result and ‘N/A’ under Average mean a test doesn’t have an overall average or score because results are broken down by multiple dimensions within that test. For example, candidates are scored on each of 24 traits in the personality test and an overall score would not be applicable for this test. 

‘N/A’ under Answered means all questions are required and the full test was completed. ‘N/A’ under Time means the test has no time limit and therefore time was not tracked.

To see more detailed results for each test, you can use the tabs to the right of Overview. These group tests by type such that all Soft Skills test results will be found in that section, for example.

See also ‘How do I decide between different types of tests?’ and ‘How do I benchmark results?’ for more information about understanding scores from different types of tests.